
This page contains an index of all the individuals in the database with the surname of Monts. Selecting the person’s name will take you to that person’s individual page.

Name Birth Death Partner Parents
Monts, Adam 1798-08-20 1893-12-02 Sease, Mary Elizabeth Monts, Gosper Minnick, Anna Mary
Monts, Catherine C. 1842-06-30 1927-08-01 Johnson, Allen, West, Samuel Houston Monts, Adam Sease, Mary Elizabeth
Monts, Dora Ann 1855-10-29 1930-11-18 West, Millard Fillmore Monts, John Robert Riley, Frances Elena
Monts, Elizabeth 1833   Monts, Adam Sease, Mary Elizabeth
Monts, Emily Ann 1824-09-10 1888-06-18   Monts, Adam Sease, Mary Elizabeth
Monts, Frances A. 1838   Monts, Adam Sease, Mary Elizabeth
Monts, Gosper 1753-01-26 between 1810 and 1817 Minnick, Anna Mary Mantz, John Gasper Amacher, Anna Barbara
Monts, J. Isaac 1832-12-06 1924-05-07   Monts, Adam Sease, Mary Elizabeth
Monts, John Robert 1828 1858 Riley, Frances Elena Monts, Adam Sease, Mary Elizabeth
Monts, Louis Phillip 1836-11-30 1866-02-09   Monts, Adam Sease, Mary Elizabeth
Monts, Magdalin 1826   Monts, Adam Sease, Mary Elizabeth
Monts, Mark 1822-09-01 1908-12-15   Monts, Adam Sease, Mary Elizabeth
Monts, Mary Ann 1840-06-06 1924-10-19   Monts, Adam Sease, Mary Elizabeth
Monts, William Anderson 1820-09-28 1889-11-15   Monts, Adam Sease, Mary Elizabeth