West, Samuel Houston

Birth Name West, Samuel Houston
Gender male
Age at Death 69 years


Event Date Place Description Sources
Birth 1846-03-21 Itawamba, Mississippi, USA Birth of West, Samuel Houston  
Death 1915-03-21 Navarro, Texas, USA Death of West, Samuel Houston  
Military Service 1864-01-01   Enlistment of West, Samuel Houston  
Burial   New Chatfield Cemetery, Chatfield, Navarro, Texas, USA Burial of West, Sam Houston  


Relation to main person Name Birth date Death date Relation within this family (if not by birth)
Father West, Richard D.1817-11-111878-11-22
Mother Marchant, Harrietabout 1819
    Sister     West, Martha S. 1844
         West, Samuel Houston 1846-03-21 1915-03-21
    Brother     West, Levi Lee 1848-08-00
    Sister     West, Victoria 1850
    Brother     West, Millard Fillmore 1852-07-14 1929-01-22
    Sister     West, Ann 1855
    Brother     West, Cornelius 1858-01-00


Family of West, Samuel Houston and Monts, Catherine C.

Married Wife Monts, Catherine C. ( * 1842-06-30 + 1927-08-01 )
Event Date Place Description Sources
Marriage 1867-01-07 Itawamba, Mississippi, USA Marriage of West, Samuel Houston and Monts, Catherine C.  
Event Note

Other sources (Obituary) say Jan 7th 1867, which would make more sense given that Mollie was born in November of that year. Catherine's Widow's Pension application says June 6th, 1867.

Residence 1894   West, Samuel Adam moved to Texas  
Name Birth Date Death Date
West, Mollie D1867-11-151943-06-26
West, Columbia1869-10-191899-09-15
West, Minnie B.1871-09-00
West, Ida Elizabeth1873-12-091946-01-16
West, Della1877-11-291959-03-27
West, Samuel Adam1879-12-081952-06-21
West, Effie Mae1883-07-161982-07-29


Date Street Locality City State/ Province County Postal Code Country Phone Sources
1911 R.F.D. #6   Corsicana TX   75109 USA    


Samuel Houston West moved with his family from Tupelo, Mississippi to a farm near Frost, Texas in 1894. Daughters Ada and Lum were married and stayed in Tupelo. - Ruth Henry West


Served in the 12th Mississippi Cavalry (16th Confederate Cavalry) as a private in Company G of Colonel Charles G. Armistead.
Lieutenant-Colonel - Philip B. spence.
Major - William Yaeger, Jr.

Company G, enlisted for the war at Aberdeen, Cotton Gin, and other places in Mississippi.
Captain - F M. Nabors.
First Lieutenant - A. D. Thomas.
Second Lieutenant-A. S. Crump.
Third Lieutenant - W. J. Crump.
Enrolled 65, February, 1865, at Blakeley, Ala.

This regiment was organized of Alabama and Mississippi unassigned companies after Sherman's raid to Meridian, February, 1864.

In March, 1864, in preparing a brigade of cavalry for the defense of Richmond, Va., it was suggested in the War Department that Colonel Armistead "bring seven companies out of the ten recently assigned to him and Lieutenant - Colonel Hamilton," and with the three companies in the Jeff Davis Legion, form a Mississippi Regiment for Gary's Brigade. But the brigade was otherwise formed.

May 1, Gen. S. D. Lee, at Demopolis, Ala., was notified that Gen. Gideon J, Pillow would report to him, with orders to complete a brigade, including Armistead's Regiment. Lee ordered the regiment to report to Pillow at Selma to be armed. Lee at this time moved Jackson's Division to the prairies around Columbus.

Pillow wrote from Oxford, Ala., June 10, "I have only the three small regiments, Armistead's, Ball's and Thomas'." The Twelfth Mississippi Cavalry, Colonel Armistead, was part of the command of General Pillow in his raid upon Sherman's communications June, 1864, Armistead commanding one of the cavalry brigades, including his regiment. Armistead drove in the Federal pickets at Lafayette, Ga., June 24, and took possession of the town, except that the courthouse, jail and hotel, which were held by the Federal troops, who resisted several attacks, in which the Twelfth Regiment lost 12 killed and 13 wounded, Colonel Armistead being dangerously wounded, and Major Redwood killed. During the struggle to capture the garrison a body of Federal cavalry sent out from Chattanooga arrived and made a sudden charge that stampeded the horses and compelled a hasty retreat. General Pillow returned with his command to Blue Mountain, Ala.

August 21, 1864, Armistead's Regiment, Lieut.-Col. Philip B. Spence commanding; Sept. 1, return of Armistead's Cavalry, Col. Charles P. Ball commanding, headquarters Talladega, Ala. Armistead's Regiment, present for duty 32 officers, 302 men; aggregate present and absent 750

Listed November 20, 1864, Sixteenth Confederate, Col. Charles G. Armistead, in Armistead's Brigade (otherwise Alabamian), in district of Central Alabama, Gen. Dan W. Adams.

In December, on receiving news of a Federal expedition from Pensacola to Pollard, Ala., Colonel Armistead moved his brigade to Bluff Springs, a march of 150 miles in fifty-four hours, and pursued the expedition on its return, December 16-17, General McKean, commanding at Pensacola, reported that "considerable severe fighting took place at all the streams from the Little Escambia to Pine Barren Creek." Colonel Robinson, commanding the expedition, was severely wounded, and in his troops 17 killed and 64 wounded. General Beauregard reported that our forces "acted with spirit and gallantry."

February 18, a detachment of the regiment was assigned to Armstrong's Brigade, in Mississippi, at the reorganization under General Chalmers. March 18, portion of Twelfth Regiment, reporting to Colonel Wade, transferred to Dillon's Second Regiment. Forrest's headquarters, Pickensville, Ala.

March 10, 1865, Sixteenth Confederate, Lieut.-Col. Spence. in Armistead's Brigade, near Mobile. Armistead took command of cavalry at Pollard during Federal advance from Pensacola, March 12.

Order of War Department, March 24, 1865, the ten companies of Mississippi Cavalry under the command of Col. C. G. Armistead will constitute the Twelfth Regiment, Mississippi Cavalry. The regiment, commanded by Lieut.-Col. Spence, participated in the defense of Spanish Fort, east of Mobile Bay, in March, 1865, and served as rear guard during the evacuation of Mobile and retreat to Demopolis. Major Cox, commanding officer of the regiment and the battle-flag, were captured April 15, about six miles from Tuskegee, Ala., by Private Shoef, Third Ohio Cavalry. April 28, Union officer reported that Colonel Spence's Cavalry was at the State line with pickets out to Citronelle.

Lieut.-Gen. Richard Taylor capitulated at Citronelle, May 4. 1865.


1. Gainsville, AL Sept.,1863

2. West Point, MS (Ellis Bridge) Feb 12, 1864

3. LaFayette, GA June 24th, 1864
"So far I have learned that the battle was primarily fought by Armisteads Brigade, as Col Neely and Gen Pillow were late. Armistead's brigade contained (as far as I know) the 12th Miss, 8th Ala (ball-hatch's), and Lewis' (harrel's) cavalry battalion. Harrel, in his report listed 1 killed, 5 wounded. The 8th Alabama lists 30 killed."
-Mike Keown

4. Ponotoc & Tupelo. July 14-15, 1864
(The American Civil War )Tupelo Harrisburg Mississippi American Civil War July 14-15, 1864 Maj. Gen. A.J. Smith, commanding a combined force of more than 14,000 men, left LaGrange, Tennessee, on July 5, 1864, and advanced south. Smith's mission was to insure that Maj. Gen. Nathan B. Forrest and his cavalry did not raid Maj. Gen. William T. Sherman's railroad lifeline in Middle Tennessee and, thereby, prevent supplies from reaching him in his campaign against Atlanta. Laying waste to the countryside as he advanced, Smith reached Pontotoc, Mississippi, on July 11. Forrest was in nearby Okolona with about 6,000 men, but his commander, Lt. Gen. Stephen D. Lee, told him he could not attack until he was reinforced. Two days later, Smith, fearing an ambush, moved east toward Tupelo. On the previous day, Lee arrived near Pontotoc with 2,000 additional men and, under his command, the entire Confederate force engaged Smith. Within two miles of the Federals, on the night of the 13th, Lee ordered an attack for the next morning. Lee attacked at 7:30 am the next morning in a number of uncoordinated assaults which the Yankees beat back, causing heavy casualties. Lee halted the fighting after a few hours. Short on rations, Smith did not pursue but started back to Memphis on the 15th. Criticized for not destroying Forrest's command, Smith had caused much damage and had fulfilled his mission of insuring Sherman's supply lines.

5. Mobile, AL August 2-23, 1864
Naval battle was the beginning of the end for the Confederacy.
The American Civil War Mobile Bay Alabama Passing of Forts Morgan and Gaines American Civil War August 2-23, 1864 A combined Union force initiated operations to close Mobile Bay to blockade running. Some Union forces landed on Dauphin Island and laid siege to Fort Gaines. On August 5, Farragut's Union fleet of eighteen ships entered Mobile Bay and received a devastating fire from Forts Gaines and Morgan and other points. After passing the forts, Farragut forced the Confederate naval forces, under Adm. Franklin Buchanan, to surrender, which effectively closed Mobile Bay. By August 23, Fort Morgan, the last big holdout, fell, shutting down the port. The city, however, remained uncaptured.
6. Rome, GA October 12, 1864
"Colonel Armistead being ordered to Rome, GA by Gen. Hood. Armistead acted as General there. Armistead was ordered to Rome Georgia with sever other regs. of cavalry and he acted as a general there and the rest of the war and Phillip Spence acted as colonel) "Shortly after, the 8th (Alabama Cavalry) fought at Rome, losing about 20 men k and w." Alabama Confederate States Calvary Units 8th Alabama Cavalry [Ball's-Hatch's] assigned to C. G. Armistead's brigade." -Jim Moore

7. Turkey Town, AL October (late), 1864
"I think this may be Turkey Town, Alabama. After the Rome Races and the brigade became organized again it proceeded to rejoin Hood's army. After Hood had finished his task in Northwest Georgia he moved into Alabama. The two armies skirmished at Gaylesville, Little River, and other points on the northern bank of the Coosa River. Once again Armistead's men were called into action as a screen. Between Gaylesville and Gadsden, Alabama, on the Coosa River, is a small hamlet called Turkey Town." - David Slay

8. Battle At Pine Barren Creek, Florida, December 16-17, 1864
On December 16, 1864 Federal troops of the 82nd and 97th U.S. Colored Infantry attacked Pollard, Alabama with orders to destroy the railroad. The Federals easily defeated the small Confederate force of General James H. Clanton. After destroying part of the tracks and burning several government buildings they headed back to Barrancas near Pensacola. The Confederates gathered Baker's Brigade and Armistead's Brigade from Blakely to engage the Federals. Led by General Liddell, the Confederates moved 150 miles in 54 hours and caught up to the Federals about six miles south of Pollard. The rebels burned bridges across the creeks that empty into the Escambia River and engaged the enemy at each burned bridge. The rebels routed the 82nd at Mitchell's Creek and on the night of December 17th the rebels attacked the negro troops at Pine Barren Creek. The Federals lost eighty killed or wounded and ten wagons were now in Confederate hands. The remainder escaped back to Barrancas only because the Confederates gave up pursuit because their horses were giving out. This battle is also known as Mitchell's Creek and Bluff Springs.

9. Pollard, AL January, 1865
"It (8th Alabama Cavlary) was ordered to west Florida soon after, and it was in front of Union Gen'l Frederick Steele as he moved on Pollard." Alabama Confederate States Calvary Units 8th Alabama Cavalry [Ball's-Hatch's] assigned to C. G. Armistead's brigade.
From web page "Pollard Yesterday".
Steamboats once plowed the Conecuh River carrying cargo to and from Pollard. The town was, in its heyday, an important rail center and was a vital Confederate military post during the War Between States. The post was headquarters for CSA troops detailed to keep and eye on Pensacola, Fla. In January, 1865, there was a battle in Pollard with Confederate troops under Gen. J.H. Clanton clashing with a body of federal raiders. The town was later burned.

10.Spanish Fort, Alabama March 27-April 8, 1865
The American Civil War March 27-April 8, 1865 Maj. Gen. E.R.S. Canby's XIII and XVI corps moved along the eastern shore of Mobile Bay forcing the Confederates back into their defenses. Union forces then concentrated on Spanish Fort and Fort Blakely. On March 27, 1865, Canby's forces rendezvoused at Danley's Ferry and immediately undertook a siege of Spanish Fort. The Union had enveloped the fort by April 1, and on April 8 captured it. Most of the Confederate forces, under the command of Brig. Gen. Randall L. Gibson, escaped and fled to Mobile, but Spanish Fort was no longer a threat.
"Some Recollections Of An Old Soldier" by by Asa M. Piper, Company C, 62nd Regiment of Alabama Volunteers, C. S. A.

11. Selma, AL April 1, 1865
Selma, Alabama April 1, 1865 The Selma Campaign Confederate Order of Battle, at Selma Serving under N.B. Forrest, among others was: Buford's Division - Brig. Gen. Abraham Buford Armistead's Brigade - Col. Charles G. Armistead (part of Buford's Division) Confederate Order of Battle (Note: Forrest was attempting to form Buford's Divison, but this unit would never be a cohesive force.)
James P. Miller captured the standard of the 12th Mississippi Cavalry and received the Medal of Honor. The Iowa Civil War Site Iowa During the Civil War Iowa Medal 1- Miller, James P. 2- private, Company D, 4th Iowa Cavalry 3- Selma, AL, 4-2-65 4- Henry County, IA 5- Franklin, OH 6- 6-17-65 7- Capture of standard of 12th Mississippi Cavalry (C.S.A.)
CIVIL WAR MEDAL OF HONOR RECIPIENTS MILLER, JAMES P. Rank and organization: Private, Company D, 4th lowa Cavalry. Place and date: At Selma, Ala., 2 April 1865. Entered service at. Henry County, lowa. Birth: Franklin, Ohio. Date of issue: 17 June 1865. Citation: Capture of standard of 12th Mississippi Cavalry (C.S.A.).

12. Wistler or Eight-Mile Creek Bridge, AL April 2-9, 1865
A statement of the skirmish from a Yankee's point of view.
Twenty-ninth Iowa Infantry
"April 12th, the regiment entered Mobile, and the next day left the city with the division under orders to proceed to Mount Vernon Arsenal, forty miles above Mobile on the Tombigbee River. A few miles from Mobile, the command encountered a body of rebels with whom a running fight took place, the last in which the regiment engaged, and one of the last combats of the war, a hard skirmish at Wistler or Eight-Mile Creek Bridge, Alabama. Colonel Benton took command of the Arsenal on the 22nd, his regiment forming the garrison. The public property had been scattered over the country. He restored much of it, and by great pains and labor again made Mount Vernon Arsenal a thing of beauty. The regiment remained there till the 12th of May, when it returned to Mobile."

April 9, 1865
General Robert E. Lee surrenders
at Appomattox Court House.

13. Blakely, AL April 12, 1865
Historic Fort Blakeley (email from Camille Corte, Sep 22, 1998)
The American Civil War Fort Blakely Alabama American Civil War April 2-9, 1865 E.R.S. Canby's forces, the XVI and XIII corps, moved along the eastern shore of Mobile Bay, forcing the Confederates back into their defenses. Union forces then concentrated on Spanish Fort and Fort Blakely. By April 1, Union forces had enveloped Spanish Fort, thereby releasing more troops to focus on Fort Blakely. Brig. Gen. St. John R. Liddell, with about 4,000 men, held out against the much larger Union force until Spanish Fort fell on April 8, allowing Canby to concentrate 16,000 men for the attack on April 9. Sheer numbers breached the Confederate earthworks compelling the Confederates to capitulate. The siege and capture of Fort Blakely was basically the last combined-force battle of the war. African-American forces played a major role in the successful Union assault.

14. Gainsville, AL May 4th, 1865


Served from Spring 1864 (According to the pension, January 1, 1864) until the end of the war. According to his own words (Pension number 23629 from Texas) he was furloughed at Mobile, Alabama and was at home at the time of surrender and never returned to the army.
The pension was when Samuel Houston West was 67 years old and was sworn to by his half brother W.I. Shumpert (73 years old) and brother M.F. West, 61 years old.

M.F. West says "Am 61 years of age. I was at home when S.H. West left to go to the army and know when he came back. He served about 1 year. He was in Co. "G" Armstead's Regt. and Armstead's Brigade. Captain was F.M. Neighbors. So far as I know S.H. West made a good soldier. Was a volunteer and staid in the service until the close but was at home on furlough when the surrender was made."


It was because of Samuel Houston West that I began this genealogical journey. I recalled, from many years ago, of my grandfather saying that he loved working on his grandpa's farm and his grandpa was named Samuel Adam West, and his father before him was Samuel Houston West. Well apparently none of the family ever knew further back than Samuel Houston West so I tried my hand at seeing if I could find out. I found some interesting things and though I've only pushed it back one generation, I consider him to be my particular favorite of all the ancestors I never knew. - Logan West

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Family Map