
This page contains an index of all the individuals in the database with the surname of Newell. Selecting the person’s name will take you to that person’s individual page.

Name Birth Death Partner Parents
Newell, Alfred 1810-03-00 1904-03-07 , Roseanna  
Newell, Alfred Cula 1921-03-10 2008-08-07   Newell, Lovett Leonard Bass, Eunice
Newell, Benjamin P. 1843-10-00 1927-09-15   Newell, Alfred , Roseanna
Newell, Carl Vernon 1888-08-17     Newell, William L. Teal, Frances E.
Newell, Eula O. 1894-05-27     Newell, William L. Teal, Frances E.
Newell, George M 1845-10-00 1909   Newell, Alfred , Roseanna
Newell, Herschell       Newell, William L. Teal, Frances E.
Newell, John Oliver 1879-05-08 1917-09-24 Mandeville, Camilla Maud Newell, William L. Teal, Frances E.
Newell, John Richardson 1910-11-29 1992-11-14   Newell, John Oliver Mandeville, Camilla Maud
Newell, John Robert 1841     Newell, Alfred , Roseanna
Newell, Lovett Leonard 1881-09-20 1931-07-07 Bass, Eunice Newell, William L. Teal, Frances E.
Newell, Marian 1909-07-25 2001-02-27 Cannon, Hiram Raleigh Jr., Morris, James Whitley Newell, John Oliver Mandeville, Camilla Maud
Newell, Mary Mandeville 1915-10-09 1936-01-01   Newell, John Oliver Mandeville, Camilla Maud
Newell, Rachel Elizabeth about 1855 before 2000 Perkey, Winfield  
Newell, Robert E. 1891-03-00 1931-07-07   Newell, William L. Teal, Frances E.
Newell, William L. 1850-08-21 1918-11-23 Teal, Frances E. Newell, Alfred , Roseanna