Henry, Robert John

Birth Name Henry, Robert John
Gender male
Age at Death 76 years, 10 months, 26 days


Event Date Place Description Sources
Birth 1839-08-25 Clarion, Pennsylvania, USA Birth of Henry, Robert John  
Death 1916-07-20 Olathe, Johnson, Kansas, USA Death of Henry, Robert John  
Military Service 1861-07-04 Clarion, Pennsylvania, USA Military enlistment of Henry, Robert John  


Relation to main person Name Birth date Death date Relation within this family (if not by birth)
Father Henry, James K.1815
Mother Connelly, Isabelle
         Henry, Robert John 1839-08-25 1916-07-20


Family of Henry, Robert John and Henry, Margaret Elmira

Married Wife Henry, Margaret Elmira ( * 1840-04-08 + 1903-09-13 )
Event Date Place Description Sources
Marriage 1863-05-05 Clarion, Pennsylvania, USA Marriage of Henry, Robert and Margaret  
Name Birth Date Death Date
Henry, Ella L.1864-02-041913-07-09
Henry, Edward Howard1868-12-271953-04-17
Henry, Jenny H.1871-06-12
Henry, Arnold1874-03-29
Henry, Frank M1876-07-181950-09-13
Henry, Anna Belle1878-10-001957-04-19
Henry, Mae1884-05-00

Family of Henry, Robert John and Norris, Abbie

Married Wife Norris, Abbie ( * + ... )
Event Date Place Description Sources
Marriage 1906   Marriage of Henry, Robert John and Norris, Abbie  


Robert John Henry enlisted on the 4th of July, 1861 to serve 3 years in the Civil War. He was a private Company "C", 62nd regiment Pennsylvania Volunteer Infantry. He was one of the first to volunteer 3 years from his county. He got sick several times and was finally honorably discharged in 1862 by reason of Surgeon's Certificate of Disability. He re-enlisted in March 1865 to serve 1 more year. Company "A", 98th regiment Pennsylvania Volunteer Infantry. He received a final Honorable discharge in 1865 by reason of close of war. - Ruth Henry West

This is from what I have heard and what I knew of my grandfather, Robert John Henry.
He was born in Clarion Couny Pennsylvania, August 25 1839. When he was a small boy, both his parents died in a plague. It might have been cholera. A family named Henry, but of no relation, took Robert John into their home and raised him as their son. The day they arrived at their farm, he saw a pretty little girl standing by the well. He said to someone near by "When I grow up, I am going to marry that little girl." In may 1863, he married that little girl, Elmira Henry. To this union six children were born.
Ella Henry Winters
Edward Howard Henry
Jenny Henry Null
Frank M. Henry
Anna Belle Henry Norvell
Mae Henry Lindemood
In 1880, Mr. Henry decided the land in Pennsylvania was wearing out, so he loaded up his family, his farm animals, his household goods and his farm machinery on box cars and went to Kansas. He bought a farm near Ochaltree, where he stayed until 1897. He bought another farm near Bucyrus Kansas. In 1900 he moved his family to Olathe to get away from the work on the farm. Elmira Henry Henry died sept. 13, 1905. In 1906 he married Abbie Norris.
In 1872, two of his granddaughters, Mildred Henry Vaughan and Ruth Henry West visited Clarion County Courthouse in Clarion Penn. They went through may old records named Henry. They visited the oldest Henry living on record at the County Farm. They visited with townspeople named Henry. They went to cemeteries studying tomb stones and finally came away disappointed that they had not really unearthed their roots.
A distant cousin in Ashtabula Ohio told me many years ago that we were descended from Patrick Henry on Elmira's side.
Mr. Henry had an honorable record in the Civil War. He enlisted in 1861. He was an upright kindly man, a good father and citizen, and led a kindly, clean and useful life. He was an elder in the Presbyterian Church many years. The flag on the courhouse was hung at half-mast during the funeral. - Ruth Henry West


From the Deepwater World:
Twin girls were born to Dr. and Mrs. E. H. Henry last Thursday, and it was thought for a time that Deepwater was going to lose Grandpa Goodwin. He came up missing and the last we saw of him he was headed north with his hat in his hand, going at a two by four gait to break the news to Grandma. The Dr. was able to get down town Friday morning and received the congratulations of his friends. The little ladies weighed 8 1/4 lbs each.


Pa Henry Dead

It was with a distinct shock of sorrow and sadness that word was spread over town Thursday morning at nine o'clock that "Pa Henry" was dead. On Tuesday morning Mr. R. J. Henry of West Park Street suffered an acute attack of indigestion, but relief was obtained and he was able to be about on Wednesday and seemingly he was about in his usual health. Thursday morning, however, about 9 o'clock the same symptoms were seen and although the physician was hurriedly called, nothing could be done and he quietly sank to sleep. The funeral services were held Saturday morning at the Presbyterian Church. Rev. Riepma officiating. On all sides were heard the comment that it was just such a sermon as Mr. Henry himself would have liked to hear about himself. Burial was maded in the Olathe Cemetery, the services at the grave being conducted by the G.A.R.
Robert John Henry was born in Clarion County Penn, August 27, 1839 and was therfore within a few days of 77 years old, when he died. He was married to Elmira Henry in May 1863 and to this union six children were born. Mrs. W. H. Winters, Kansas City Kansas, now deceased, Dr. E. H. Henry, Deepwater Missouri, Mrs. J. S. Null, Spring Hill Kansas, F. M. Henry, Kansas City Mo. Mrs. E. O Norvell, Kansas City and Mrs. J. B. Lindemood, Paola Kansas.
It was 1880 when Mr. Henry and his family came to Kansas and bought a farm near Ocheltree where they stayed until 1897. When this farm was sold and another bought near Bucyrus. After living there three years the family moved to Olathe in 1900 to rest from the heavy work of the farm. Mrs. Henry died Sept. 13, 1903. In 1906 he married Abbie Norris.
It was only two weeks ago that Mr. Henry told a Mirror reporter that the soldiers going thru to Mexico reminded him forcibly of Civil War days when he was cradling in the wheat field when at four o'clock he heard of Lincoln's second call for 300,000 men. He hung the cradle on the fence, walked ten miled to a neighboring town where he stayed all night and left the next morning overland, a distance of 22 miles to entrain with 200 other young men from his county for the front.
This was in April 1861 and he joined Company C, 62nd Volunteer Infantry, where he served one year. Then he joined Company A, 98th Penn. Volunteer Infantry and served until the end of the war. In 1881 he joined the General Curtis Post at Spring Hill and held the office of Post Commander and also Quarter Master until he came to Olathe in 1900 when he joined Franklin Post No. 68 of which he has been a faithful member all these years. In 1907 he was elected Quarter Master, which position he has filled faithfully, his services ending only with death.
Mr. Henry was never known to miss a meeting of the post unless on account of sickness and his family say he was particularly free from that excepting when in the army he was sick for some time. At the head of every procession, Mr. Henry was always seen carrying the flag. Others might miss marching to the procession to attend funeral services of a brother, but never he. It was something unusual at the funeral service of an old soldier if Mr. Henry was not one of the pall bearers. His interest was so great in G.A.R. (Grand Army of the Republic) circles that he was rarely ever absent from State Gatherings and made the trip to Philadelphia to attend the Centennial.
Mr. Henry was an intense partisan and a Republican always. He took great interest in politics, both local and national, and was always found on the right side. No roster was complete in any of the political gatherings or conventions, unles R. J. Henry's name was listed. This was true not only in the old days at Ocheltree, but also after he moved to Olathe. While living in Spring Hill township he was treasurer for 18 consecutive years. It mattered not which side had the majority, he was always elected, and many times there would be no opposition. He served on the City Council in Olathe a number of years. Although he wished very much to attend the Republican banquet some weeks ago, he did not see well enough to go out after night and was unable to go.
He will be especially missed in G.A.R. and W.R.C. circles also for he was always in his place, always assisting in any position no matter whether at the front in the receiving line, or in the kitchen. Ever since there has been an Old Settler's Picnic he has been chairman of the committee on making and serving coffee. Mr. Henry was an ardent Granger, having joined in Penn. and he helped organize the Grange in Ocheltree where he belonged for 20 years and was Master at different times. He has also been Master of the Olathe Grange.
Probably no man in Olathe had been longer a member of any church. He joined the Presbyterian Church in Penn. at the age of 12 and consequently has been a member 64 years. He was under one preacher for 20 years and also in Olathe, for the same length of time until his retirement about a year ago. He never missed a day servce at the church and always sitting in the same pew.
Mr. Henry's health was excellent, and as we said he never had a Dr.s care excepting when he was in the army, and two days before his death. He attributed his excellent health to his habits and to the fact that he slept the year round with the window open. It was the boast that he never wore and overcoat, and we can remember distinctly last winter on some very bitter days, when he came up to town without any on.
The place of R.J. Henry will not be easy to fill. He was distinctly a friend of every one, and no matter how many times a day he met his friends if there was any chance at all, he would shake hands as he said, and meant it too, "How are you, How are the members of your family?" In some people this would become tiresome, but not in Pa Henry for it was the very kindliness of his soul, expressed in words.
Spring Hill came almost in a body to pay their last respects to one held dear. They came in the following automobiles...... (8 were named and those riding in each car)
Out of town relatives were Mrs. Harry Patton, Springfield Mo. Mr. And Mrs. W. H. Winters, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Conkey and son Dr. and Mrs. Reeves and son. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Straw. Mr. J. Goodwin, Mr. Marvin Goodwin, Dr. and Mrs. Henry Mr. and Mrs. Norvell, Mr. and Mrs. Null, Mr. and Mrs. Lindemood, Mr. and Mrs. F.M. Henry........


Certificate of Record
To All Whom it May Concern
This certifies that Robert J. Henry

Enlisted from Clarion County, Pennsylvania, on the 4th day of July, 1861, to serve three years or during the war, and was mustered into the United States service at Pittsburg, Pa., on the 25th day of July, 1861, as a Private of Captain Thomas B. Monks' Company "C", 62nd Regiment Pennsylvania Volunteer Infantry, Colonel Samuel W. Black commanding. He was one of the first to volunteer for three years from his county.
This regiment rendezvoused at Camp Cameron, near Harrisburg, Pa., whence, after a few weeks experience of camp life, it proceeded to Baltimore, thence to Washington, D.C., encamping at Camp Rapp on Kendall Green, in the northern suburbs of the city. Here the regiment was fully equipped with arms and clothing, and on September 11, crossed the Potomac and went into camp near Ft. Corcoran, where it was thoroughly drilled; also employed in cutting roads, throwing up intrenchments and felling pine forests beyond Arlington Heights. The regiment was assigned to the 2nd Brigade, 1st Division, 5th Corps, Army of the Potomac, and participated in the following engagements, viz: -
Siege of Yorktown, Hanover C.H. Mechanicsville, Gaines' Mills, White Oak Swamp, Malvern Hill, Harrison's Landing, and 2nd Bull Run, VA.; Antietam and Shepherdstown, MD.; Fredericksburg and Chancellorsvill, VA.; Gettysburg, PA.; Rappahannock Station, Mine Run, Wilderness, Spottsylvania, North Anna, Totopotomoy, Bethesda Church, Siege of Petersburg, Jerusalem Plank Road, and a number of minor engagements.
The said Robert J. Henry was sick of typhoid fever, and confined in Columbian Hospital, at Washington, D.C., rejoining his regiment at Camp Betty Black. He was sent to hospital at Fortress Monroe and returned to regiment in time to participate in the Seven Days' Fight, including Mechanicsville, Gaines Mills, White Oak Swamp, and Malvern Hill, VA., after which he was honorably discharged at Harrison's Landing, VA., in July, 1862, by reason of Surgeon's Certificate of Disability.
He re-enlisted from Clarion County, PA., in March, 1865, to serve one year or during the war, and was mustered into the U.S. service as a Private of Captain John W. Beamish's company "A", 98th regiment Pennsylvania Volunteer Infantry, Colonel John F. Ballier commanding. With this regimet he made a forced march to Danville, N.C., after Lee's surrender, and encamped there until June, 1865, then moved to Washington, D.C., where the regiment was mustered out June 29, 1865.
He was faithful in the discharge of his duty and rendered meritorious service to his country.
He received a final Honorable Discharge at Philadelphia, PA., on the 29th day of June, 1865, by reason of close of the war. He is a son of James K. and Isabelle Connelly-Henry, and was born in Clarion County, PA., August 25, 1839. He was united in marriage to Margaret E. Henry, in Clarion County, PA., May 5, 1863, from which union were born eight children, six of whom are living, viz:
Ella L. - wife of W. H. Winters; Edwin H., Jennie, - wife of J.S. Null; Frank M.; Anna B., - wife of Edward Norville; and May.
This wife died on the 13th day of September, 1903.
He is a member of Franklin Post, No. 68, Department of Kansas, Grand Army of the Republic, in which he holds office as Officer of the Day and has served as Adjutant. He was a charter member of Gen. Curtis Post, at Spring Hill, Kans., of which he was Commander. He is also a member of the Patrons of Husbandry.
He has filled Township Office in Miami and Johnson Counties Kansas.
His wife is an active and honored member of Franklin Corps, No. 3, W.R.C. and Patrons of Husbandry.
These facts are thus recorded.
Complied from Official and Authentic Sources by the Soldiers and Sailors Historical and Benevolent Society In testimony whereof I hereunto set my hand and cause to be affixed the seal of the Society. Done at Washington D.C. this 18th day of January A.D. 1906. M Wallingsford (Historian).
No. 61644


Robert John Henry:
Civil War Union Army Veteran. Co C, 62 Pennsylvania Infantry one year, then to end of war, Co A, 98 Pennsylvania Infantry. Came to KS 1880. 6 children by first wife who died 1903. married again and lives at 323 So Chestnut.