Frazier, Robert

Birth Name Frazier, Robert
Gender male


Relation to main person Name Birth date Death date Relation within this family (if not by birth)
Father Frazier, William
Mother about 1780
    Brother     Frazier, Thomas 1800
         Frazier, Robert
    Brother     Frazier, Isaac Frazier 1810
    Sister     Frazier, Louisa before 1812
    Brother     Frazier, John 1813 1886-07-29
    Brother     Frazier, James
    Sister     Frazier, Winnifred 1818
    Sister     Frazier, Parmelia 1821
    Brother     Frazier, Mitchell 1872
    Sister     Frazier, Eliza F. between 1825 and 1830
    Sister     Frazier, Martha 1834