Osborne, Grace H.

Birth Name Osborne, Grace H.
Gender female
Age at Death about 46 years, 6 months


Event Date Place Description Sources
Death 1937-07-00   Death of Osborne, Grace H.  
Birth about 1891   Death of Osborne, Grace  


Relation to main person Name Birth date Death date Relation within this family (if not by birth)
Father Osborne, William or Charles1859
Mother Osborn, Estella C.1871
    Sister     [Living], [Living]
    Brother     Osborne, Richmond Kileon 1897-10-05 1980-06-15
         Osborne, Grace H. about 1891 1937-07-00


Daily Sentinel, Rome, N.Y., Monday Evening, July 19, 1937

Funeral Services Held
For Mrs. Grace O'Neill

Camden, July 19—Funeral services for Mrs. Grace H. O'Neill, whose death occurred In Rome were conducted Saturday at the late residence by James Ralph, Syracuse, Jehovah Witnesses. Later services were held In the Williamstown, Presbyterian Church by the Rev. Francis Doershug, pastor.
Mrs. Hetty Durr Hodges and Mrs. B. A. Sanborn sang two duets, "Face to Face" and "Beautiful Isle of Somewhere." The bearers were Ervin Smith, August Richards, Anthony Stolo, Clyde Chilton, David Hilltbrand, Patrick Hale. The services were largely attended by relatives and friends. Interment was made in
Falrview Cemetery, Willlamstown.


Osborne, [Private] said in May of 2011 that he thought his Father might have had a sister named Janet, who was a servant to an Edwards family in Syracuse, NY. Also, he remembered his Father's middle name spelled as "Killian."

According to Osborne, [Private] there was a rumor about someone in the family being adopted and the name "Babcock."

The 1910 Federal Census lists a Babcock Family that matches known names and dates. According to that census, The Babcock family consisted of Charles (head, 38yrs old, 1st marriage), Estell (wife, 38yrs old, 2nd marriage), Janet (daughter, 14yrs old), and Richmond (son, 12yrs old). At the time of the census, they had been married 5 years.

The 1915 New York, State census lists Estella C. Babcock as the head of household, with children Jeanette O. and Richmond K. They are all listed as living on Miner Ave, Camden, New York, and working as, "Laborer-Knit-Mill."

It is suspected that there was some unpleasantness, perhaps a divorce or aversion on the part of other family members to involvement with Jehovah's Witness, connected with this family. Very little is known about them, and something appears to have been hushed up.