
This page contains an index of all the individuals in the database with the surname of Lowrey. Selecting the person’s name will take you to that person’s individual page.

Name Birth Death Partner Parents
Lowrey, Allen Turner      
Lowrey, Deward Archie 1913-01-22 1988-04-13 Horton, Verna Jewell, Cantrill, Elsa I. Lowrey, John Turner Vance, Augusta Amanda
Lowrey, Dorothy       Lowrey, John Turner Bessinger, Aeris Elizabeth
Lowrey, Ella 1892-09-00   , Jim, McElroy, Frank Lowrey, George Wesley Watts, Celia Bethena
Lowrey, George Wesley 1868-11-00 1941 Watts, Celia Bethena Lowrey, Allen Turner
Lowrey, Goldia Inez 1907-01-19 1982-03-14 Chrisman, George Edward Lowrey, George Wesley Watts, Celia Bethena
Lowrey, Howard       Lowrey, George Wesley Watts, Celia Bethena
Lowrey, John Merle 1916-10-16 1943-08-08   Lowrey, John Turner Vance, Augusta Amanda
Lowrey, John Turner 1889-12-11 1969-01-22 Vance, Augusta Amanda, Bessinger, Aeris Elizabeth Lowrey, George Wesley Watts, Celia Bethena
Lowrey, Joyce Louise 1940-11-23 1998-10-27   Lowrey, Deward Archie Horton, Verna Jewell
Lowrey, Margaret Aeris 1926-11-19 1978-09-22   Lowrey, John Turner Bessinger, Aeris Elizabeth
Lowrey, Mary Elizabeth 1844-12-19 1910-01-16 Watts, John Berry  
Lowrey, Monte David 1900-04-23 1980-08-15   Lowrey, George Wesley Watts, Celia Bethena
Lowrey, Norman Earl 1933-01-18 2009-12-31 Lowrey, Deward Archie Horton, Verna Jewell
Lowrey, Rebecca Benicia 1918-08-09 2011-05-08 Duncan, Henry Paul, Woolliscroft, William Duncan Lowrey, John Turner Vance, Augusta Amanda