Dawson, Mary

Birth Name Dawson, Mary
Call Name Polly
Gender female
Age at Death 77 years, 9 months, 30 days


Event Date Place Description Sources
Birth 1764 Ireland Birth of Dawson, Mary  
Event Note

Mary Dawson was born 11d 3mo 1763 and died 31d 10mo 1841 according to http://www.bob-sinton.com/index.php

Death 1841-10-31 Wilkes Barre, Luzerne, Pennsylvania, USA Death of Dawson, Mary  
Event Note

Mary Dawson was born 11d 3mo 1763 and died 31d 10mo 1841 according to http://www.bob-sinton.com/index.php


Relation to main person Name Birth date Death date Relation within this family (if not by birth)
Mother Morton
         Dawson, Mary 1764 1841-10-31


Family of Sinton, Jacob and Dawson, Mary

Married Husband Sinton, Jacob ( * 1761-11-09 + 1837 )
Event Date Place Description Sources
Marriage   Friends Meeting House, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA Marriage of Sinton, Jacob and Dawson, Mary  
Name Birth Date Death Date
Sinton, Elizabethabout 1787
Sinton, Jamesabout 1789
Sinton, John1793-04-101854-01-10
Sinton, Phoebeabout 1797after 1853


Jacob and Polly were third cousins in both the Christy and Morton lines.

Jacob & Mary Sinton's wills received from Wendy Cooper Francis:
Will of Mary Sinton
I Mary Sinton widow of Jacob Sinton deceased late of Wilkes Barre, having received fromhim mydear husband certain property left be him at my diposal and being advanced in years and of infirm health but of a sound and disposing mind and memory desire to make this my last will and testament for the purpose of dividing justly and impartiable according to the best of my ability and judgement the said property among the members of my family trusting that _____by no hard feelings wil be indulged between them, as I do this with an affectionate regard for each and under an awful & solemn impression of mind attending the discharge of (various or serious?) duty. In the first place I bequeath to my daughter Phebe Hunter Sinton my bed and bedstead and the apparatus belonging there to, the bureau and looking glass, the carpet in the same room, half a dozen Windsor chairs, half a dozen light colored rush bottom chairs, half a dozen black gilt chairs, the front parlor carpet, and one dining table with two ends?, the Astor lamp, Mahogany looking glass, and sofa, my rocking chair, one sewing chair and Mahogany candlestand, one pair of shovel & tongs, a pair of brass andirons, the Stair and entry carpet with brass rods, the cot bed and bedstead, the breakfast table, my gold watch, the large and small silver spoons, one butter knife, silver cream cup, tea pot, small one plated, the china in the sideboard, the black venetian blinds, the parlor stove, large warming pan, and the setee & cushions, one bell____ kettle and the five hundres dollars left me by my husband Jacob Sinton, deceased. Secondly, I give and bequeath to my grandaughter Mary Clement Tracy, the bed and bedstead in front room with the apparatus belonging thereto, the bureau and carpet in said room, the rug which I hooked, half a dozen light gilt chairs, half a dozen black chairs, the gilt looking glass, the brass lamp, two dining tables, one rocking chair,one sewing chair. one cherry wash stand, round stand, the sideboard, the bed and bedstead in the next room to hers, the cherry wash stand in the front room, the silver plated snuffer tray, the silver soup spoon, the C____, the plated Teapot with the initials on the tea tongs and plated sugar bowl, the silver butter knife together with the crockery in the pantry, one pair of shovel & tongs, one pair of andirons, the dressing table in the front room, and the high post bedstead now in the garrett , and one bell mettle kettle. Thirdly, I give and bequeeth to my daughter, Elizabeth Tracy,, a cherry bureau inPhebe's room, half a dozen windsor chairs, a small looking glass in the front room, the bed and bedstead which the boys sleep on, a dining table, the spinning wheel I call mine, the small bed and bedstead, which Phebe now occupies, and the _____, I give to her less than to my other daighter because I gave her a good setting out at the time of her marriage. Fourthly, To my son James Sinton, I bequeath his uncle Joseph's watch, and to my grandson Jacob Sinton, such of his wearing apparel as he shall be pleased to except. also his grandfathers clothes, a portion of his books, the carpenters tools, the chest belonging to his Uncle Jospeh, and if the said jacob Sinton arrives at the age of twenty oneyears my will is that fifty dollars be paid him the year following if he so long lives and that it be paid by my daughter Phebe H. & Elizabeth & grandaughter Mary S. Tracy in equal proportions. Fifthly, I give and bequeath to my son James and his wife Martha_______, and last;y, I give devise and bequeathunto my daughter Elizabeth & Phebe Hunter Sinton and grandaughter Mary C. Tracy, all the residue of my property real, personal and mixed which may remain at my death undisposed of by this will or otherwise, the same to be equally divided among them and if of such residue there be any thing or potrtion which may not be wanted particularly by them, or which cannot be well or satisfactorily divided between them, the same may be sold & the proceeds thereof divided, giving to each of them equal shares, but out of the above residue I finally except and reserve the real estate and my bed clothing which I here by particularily devise and bequeath to Phebe H. Sinton and Mary C. Tracy to be equally divided between them those Items having been inadvertantly included in the above residue.

Philadelphia County, Pennsylvania Wills, 1682-1819
Name: Sinton, Mary
Description: Heir
Date: 5 5 1786
Prove Date: 11 9 1786
BookPage: T:377
Remarks: Morton, Robert. City of Phila. Merchant. May 5, 1786. Sept 11, 1786. T.377. Estate in Pennsylvania and Delaware. Wife: Hannah. Mother, no name given. Sisters: Sarah and Mary Pemberton. To All of my Servants. Cousins: Thomas Greaves, Mary Greaves. To Dr. Thomas Parke. Uncle John Morton. Friends: Mary Sinton, Wife of Jacob Sinton, Robert Murdock, Son of Samuel Murdock, Samuel Murdock, John Sheridan. Contributors to Pennsylvania Hospital. Overseers of Public School for use of the Negro School. Exec: Father-in-law: James Pemberton, Uncle John Norton, Caleb Carmalt.

Notes from http://www.bob-sinton.com/index.php



Jacob was in partnership with his brother Joseph after they came from Ireland in 1795. Location of Sinton's General Store: At Sinton's Corner which was located in Wilkes Barre City, PA in Quadrant E11 on the West corner of Franklin & Market Sts. Store is no longer there. Torn down in 1800's.

This couple founded the "Pottsville" line of Sintons.

He married, 12 mo. 9 1784, Philadelphia Meeting, Mary Dawson, daughter of Elias and Elizabeth (Morton) Dawson; (daughter of James Morton), who were married at Grange meeting 5 mo 25, 1763...(Dawson, pg 193). Job (sic) son of Thomas and Mary (sic) Sinton, Philadelphia, Pa., [Hinshaw, pg 503, Phila MM]; Mary was born 3 mo. 11, 1763, in Ireland and died 10 mo. 31, 1841, (Dawson, and see letter quoted below, iv.)

When LBS's notes were taken, it was thought she was Mary, daughter of Thomas Dawson and Mary Christie who was sister to Margaret Christie, who married Thomas Sinton.

1790 Census Salisbury, Lancaster Co., PA, Jacob Sinton, 1 male 16+; 2 males under 16; 4 females

1800 Census Augusta Northumberland Co., PA, Jacob Sinton, 1 male under 10; 1 male 10-15; 2 males 26-44; 2 females under 10; 1 female 10-15; 1 female 26-44

1810 Census Wilkes Barre Luzerne Co., PA, Jacob Sinton, 2 males 10-15; 1 male 26-44;1 male 45+; 1 female under 10; 2 females 10-15; 2 females 16-25; 1 female 45+

1820 Census Richmond Henrico Co., VA, (unsure this Jacob) Jacob Sinton, 3 males under 10; 1 male 16-18; 1 male 18-26; 1 male 45+; 3 females under 10; 1 female 16-18; 2 females under 45; 2 females 45+; 1 male slave under 14

1830 Census Wilkes Barre Twp Luzerne Co., PA, Jacob Sinton, 1 male 10-15; 1 male 50-60; 1 male 60-70; female 15-20; 1 female 20-30; 1 female 30-40; 1 female 50-60; 1 female 60-70

Copies of Jacob and his wife Mary's wills received from Wendy Cooper Francis.

Jacob Sinton's Will
In the name of the everlasting God _______ I, Jacob Sinton, of the borough of Wilkes BArre, County of Luzerne, and state of Pennsylvania being aged and aware also of the uncertainty of human life but being now of sound and disposing(?) mind(?) memory and understanding, do make publish and declare through last will and testament hereby re____ing all other will or wills by me at any time hertofore made and executed.
Firstly, I do order and direct my executrix and executor herinafter named to pay adjust settlesatisfy all funeral expenses debts or other legalclaims or charges upon or against my estate as soon as conviently and lawfully may be done after my decease.
Secondly, I give and bequeath to my dear wife Mary Sinton all my household goods and furniture of every kind, one cow, one horse, my carriage and harness and the sum of five hundred dolars($500) to be paid out of the storegoods should there be on hand at the time of my decease. Otherwise the said amount to be paid to her by my executors herinafter named out of my general estate, and further if the cow, horse, carriage and harness should not be on hand at the time of my decease the said property to be purchased for her out of my general estate by my executors herinafter named.
Thirdly, all the rest residue remainder of my estate real personal and mixed(?) I do give ____se and bequeath unto my beloved wife Mary and my beloved children and grandchild Betsey wife of Sidney Tracy. John Sinton, James Sinton, Phebe H. Sinton and Mary Clement Tracy their heirs Executors and administrators equally to be divided among them share and share alike but shuld my dear wife depart this life previous to myself my said residuary estate in such case to be divided equally among my children and grandchild above named share and share alike. It being further my understanding and intention that if either of my said children should die before me leaving lawful issue to take and receive under this will the share the deceased parents would have been entitled to had___she survived myself and in the event of not having issue as aforesaid of dying before me, my said, residuary estate to be divided among the survivors of the legatees aforesaid equally in the same manner as if such deceased legatees had not been named herein.
Lastly, I ______ate and appoint my dear wife Mary Sinton and my son James Sinton and son in law Sidney Tracy executrix and executors of this my last will and testament.
Jacob Sinton (seal)

Signed sealed published and declared by Jacob Sinton and for his last will and testament this twenty ninth day of February AD one thousand eight hundred and thirty six he being at the time of sound and disposing understanding.
(signed) John W. Conyngham - Edmund Taylor.

Notes from http://www.bob-sinton.com/index.php