
This page contains an index of all the individuals in the database with the surname of Brandon. Selecting the person’s name will take you to that person’s individual page.

Name Birth Death Partner Parents
Brandon, George Washington     Fulton, Maria  
Brandon, Jennie       Brandon, George Washington Fulton, Maria
Brandon, Joseph Thomas 1868-08-00 1939-06-29 West, Ida Elizabeth Brandon, George Washington Fulton, Maria
Brandon, Mary Kate 1908     Brandon, Joseph Thomas West, Ida Elizabeth
Brandon, Maudie B. 1902     Brandon, Joseph Thomas West, Ida Elizabeth
Brandon, Minnie Belle 1900-01-00     Brandon, Joseph Thomas West, Ida Elizabeth
Brandon, Nettie Belle       Brandon, George Washington Fulton, Maria
Brandon, Vera Effie 1892-10-10 1968-03-31 Lilly, Lawrence Melvin Brandon, Joseph Thomas West, Ida Elizabeth