
This page contains an index of all the individuals in the database with the surname of Mandeville. Selecting the person’s name will take you to that person’s individual page.

Name Birth Death Partner Parents
Mandeville, Appleton 1802-02-26 1892-06-17 Stewart, Mary Ann  
Mandeville, Camilla Maud 1889-07-21 1972-04-21 Newell, John Oliver Mandeville, Leroy Clifton Richardson, Carrie Louise
Mandeville, Eugenia 1878-02-16 1915-05-22 Watkins Mandeville, Leroy Clifton Richardson, Carrie Louise
Mandeville, John Appleton 1882-07-07 1941-10-05 Callaway, Lulu Mandeville, Leroy Clifton Richardson, Carrie Louise
Mandeville, Leon P. 1848-06-22 1915-12-19   Mandeville, Appleton Stewart, Mary Ann
Mandeville, Leroy Clifton 1851-09-25 1926-09-07 Richardson, Carrie Louise Mandeville, Appleton Stewart, Mary Ann
Mandeville, Leroy Clifton 1887-02-13 1949-05-15   Mandeville, Leroy Clifton Richardson, Carrie Louise
Mandeville, Nellie Louise 1880-04-24 1956-05-19 Henderson, C. K., Henderson, Charles K. Jr. Mandeville, Leroy Clifton Richardson, Carrie Louise
Mandeville, William       Mandeville, Appleton Stewart, Mary Ann