

La Mesa
Oct. 10. 1899

Mr. Floyd Duncan,

My Dear Son
We have been looking for a letter from you in answer to our postal, but not having received one will write again.

Am glad to tell you, your Papa is feeling much better this morning, he had a very good rest last night.

He went to town last Saturday, thinking he would have his teeth extracted, but Mr. Jones could not do the work for him before next Monday. I think the ride was too much for him as he was not so well Saturday night and Sunday.

Will try to persuade him to stay overnight when he goes in again.

Rena is at Mrs. Shaffer's now. Revie was so homesick--- she is afraid to go to town with her Papa, so afraid she will have to take Rena's place again, she wants to do Dr H's work and send him with her Papa.

Did you have a thunder storm a few days ago?

There was a big cloud burst up around Apline, an inch and a quarter of rain fell.

Dr. Thinks we are going to have rain soon, it is cloudy and the wind is blowing a gale, looks to one as if it might rain before night. Minna and Tom stopped here a few minutes on their way home this morning. If I had known they would have come by would have had my letter ready and sent it by them so you would have gotten it sooner. Do Rush and Will get off to school on time of mornings? How do you like keeping "Bach"? Do tell us all about what you have been doing since we came away. Your Father would be so much pleased to have you do so. You know the best we can do to please him is Oh, so little compared to what he has done for us.

He is anxious to get well enough to go home to see how you boys are getting on, but he is so weak he can't get in the buggy alone any more, has to step up on a box and have help besides to get in the buggy. But he is just as cheerful as can be, and just as good natured as he can be, I am so glad we left all the little ones with you, and Mother because they worried their Papa.

Dr. is treating your Father with electricity and it helps the blood to circulate much better, does away with the numbness of the feet and legs a good deal. I feel sure you will do the best you can there and we'll do all we can for your Father and if he don't begin to improve, soon do you think best to take him to San Diego where he can have different treatment? Tell me how you feel about it.

As ever your loving mother

L.M. Duncan
Write soon.