

"Front Row...Uncle Charnel Speed(lived in Jacksonville), Grandmother, Uncle Cary Speed (lived in Miami), Back Row.....Uncle Otho Durham (lived in Miami, later bought the place down from mama), Mama (lived in Orlando at that time), Aunt Lela (was a Speed, lived next door to mama in Hacoda.), Uncle Fayette Speed (one arm and lived in Samson). Two children are missing...Uncle Gaston Durham (lived in Miami) and Uncle Willie Speed (lived in Jacksonville, and later Pensacola.) Not really sure when this was taken, but after studying it, I see Aunt Lela's old house, the one that burned with her son Clayton in it, and the appearance of marma, and the others leads me to believe that it had to be probably in the late forties. Grandmother died in 1949 or 1950. Not sure which." -[Living] Osborne