

Charles Sack Obituary from the Lebanon RUSTIC, Laclede Co., MO, 12 July 1917:

Death of Charles Sack

Another of the old citizens, not only old in years but old in residence in this city, passed from among us when Charles Sack died at his home in this city Tuesdauy morning of last week, July 3rd, aged 83 years.
Funeral services were held at the family home Wednesday afternoon of last week, conducted by Rev. James Hyslop, pastor of the Congregational church. Interment was in the city cemetery. The following old friends of the deceased were pallbearers: J.A. Hughes, Michael Kuhn, Sam R. Farrar, Victor Koby, G.E. Read and J.A. Thomas.


Mr. Sack was born in Germany February 24, 1834. He came to America when about 21 years of age, locating for a time at Baltimore, Maryland. He came to Lebanon about the year 1866.
In the year 1869 he was united in marriage to Mrs. Elmira J. Rogers, who survives him.


Mr. Sack was a wagon maker by trade and that was his occupation as long as he was able to follow it. When he first came to Lebanon he was employed by the late Bennett Cook, who was then engaged in blacksmithing in Old Town. Later he was with the late John Hall and when he left Lebanon, Mr. Sack was with Charles Zelsmann for some time.


Mr. Sack had suffered from rheumatism for about 35 years, much of the time intensely, but as long as it was possible to do so he worked at his trade. For several years past he only occasionally was able to come down town by a great effort. During all the years of suffering and helplessness he had the care and attention of his wife.


  1. Sack, Charles