

Potero San Diego Cal.
Oct, 23 1899

Dear Father

I received your letter yesterday and was glad to hear from you. I hope you will get well soon. We are all well out here and getting along fine. We went to Sunday-school yesterday and then went to Grandma's for supper, and Mabel gave me your letter. It has been cloudy here yesterday and today and it looks as if it might rain soon. It rained about 1/4 of an inch before. The new harrow works fine, it plows up the ground as good as a plow, when we put it down deep. We haven't got but about 5 acres put in yet. We had a good deal of trouble in getting started. We didn't have horses enough to work. Mr. MacGilvary borrows Dollie to ride home and rode his own mare back, so he left Dollie out in the pasture and she went on the mountain. We rode Shortie and Joe down to Luons after Sara Top last Sunda but couldn't get her in the corral she jumped the fence twice and nearly ran over Jim once.

We hauled Grandma a load of wood and took out the honey, we got a little over a case of honey and about nine pounds of way.

We tried to work the grey horse Friday but he fell down so bad we couldn't get him hitched up, so we went down after Sara Top again, we couldn't get her in the corral but she jumped the fence and came home and we caught her. We started to put in grain Saturday but we broke the stick the double trees are fastened to and we made a new one and started again but we broke that too and made another one that wouldn't break.

The stock are all looking well. The pig is fat enough to kill. We make plenty of butter for ourselves and Grandma too. The cows we keep up give about 5 1/2 gallons a day. Boney's calf is nearly well now.

We are only getting one egg a day. The turkeys are looking fine.

The indians came down and wanted more grub, we gave them enough from here to last them all week and got them 50 c worth of coffee from the store. We are going to pay Mr Weigar with wax.

Hoping that you will get well soon,

I remain as ever
Floyd Duncan