

Letter from Thomas W Fuqua to his daughter E. Judith Brownstone, January 17th 1852, Dear E. Judith. Your letter dated 2nd and 5th we received and read with interest. We were glad to hear from you, of your health, satisfaction, ----the direction, and your request in your letter will be attended to. Except cold, we are enjoying tolerable health for which we should feel thankful to the Disposer of all good your brother Nat's waggon came down last night by which we learned they were all well. You wish to know when some of us will be to see you that is not in my power to inform you as the rainy season has come on and you remember how I suffer with colds while the weather is changeable. Your bro Henry got home as early as expected and is at work at our house. Eliza you will remember for what you went to Texas. You must let home and home affairs rest until you get back. Should you misimprove the time you spend at school it would be highly criminal. After som mych friendship and liberality on the part of your teachers would you not reflect credit upon them it would be quite regretful (I cannot use another word). Dear child, had you a multitude of tearchers, application on you part is still absolutely necessary. Without which your improvement will be small. Eliza, you say you will TRY. That word has done wonders without trying we expect little or nothing. Now daughter after all I have been through I have no fears but that you will make the best use of your time. My poor prayers are offered at a throne of Grace for you welfare. I now close this letter and promise to write again, on the receipt of you anser if you brother or sister should fail. Writh often for by writing you learn to write. May the God of Heaven protect you. T.W. Fuqua Your brother T.B. and J.B. are going to school taught in the C.P. Meeting house.(on the back of the letter: return address - Brownstone, Arks, January 16th. Addressed to "Miss E.J. Fuquay, Sylvia Academy, Dangerfield, Texas" Fee 3