

This picture shows how Arthetta was entertained by her sister Ada May. They would start up at the barn, where Ada, with her hand holding the front of Arthetta's pram to the rear of the wagon. "Away they would go." From the barn, past the fenced-in areas, through the big back yard, past the big house and around to the front porch. That was how Ada May entertained her sister while their mother was busy working." - Wolford, [Private]


Poem written and submitted by Arthetta's sister, Wolford, [Private].

Big Sister
(Little Sister)

[Wagon and Pram Photo]

Big Sister & Little Sister

There once was a little girl
around the age of nine
Who had a baby sister
she thought was "so fine."
She started thinking
about several ways
They could play together
throughout the days
She said, "Baby Sister"
you are so very small
There is just no way we can
even play with a ball.
Then she said, "Just wait,
Baby Sister," I know of a way
We can have fun together
While we safely play.
She happily said with
a big smile on her face,
We can go here and there.
all over the place.
She ran for her wagon
and placed it "just so."
Then found Baby Sister's pram
and they were ready to go.
With left hand behind her
holding front end of pram,
Clasping it tightly to rear of wagon,
they were ready to scram.
With right knee in wagon
and right hand steering
The left food did all
of the pushing and pulling
With big smiles on their faces
away they went.
This was going to be
such a "Big Event."
Then away they went,
past the barn and the chickens.
And every once in a while
they would see the kittens.
Down past the see-saw,
they were laughing so hard.
And all the way through
the entire back yard.
Then they passed the house
and with a turn to the right
They stopped in the front yard
all merry and bright.
This little girl
grew bigger and older.
Two years, then three
and then she got bolder.
The cute little boy
who lived next door
Just stole her heart and
She needed "sister" no more.
This little girl grew up
so very fast.
Grade school to high school,
her interests were vast.
Then, Robert Morris School
was her next big move.
On to Latrobe, as a secretary there
she fell right into the groove.
She happily enjoyed her work
day after day.
Then months later said, "Boss,"
I have something special to say.
In a few more months
I plan to be leaving
To start a new life
that will be much more pleasing.
Thanks to the U.S. Navy
and perhaps Divine Intervention
She had met a young man
with great intention.
So, on a cold, very snowy
St. Patrick's day
That once, "Little Sister"
was now making her way
In a beautiful wedding gown
down the aisle to the altar.
And through all the ceremony
never did falter.
Her "pram-pulling" sister
was again by her side.
Smiling and beaming
with so much pride.
Then these "Sisters" went happily
on their separate ways,
Keeping in touch through
the years - not just days.
But, though they were
many, many miles apart,
They continued to be deep
in each others heart.